Learning About Key Pieces of Jewelry

Don't Let Chemicals Come In Contact With Your Ethiopian Opal

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Your Ethiopian opal ring is something you likely can’t wait to share with your friends. You’ll be able to keep it for a long time if you take good care of it. One of the most important parts of Ethiopian Opal care is to make sure that it doesn’t come in contact with liquid chemicals. For a while, Australian opals were the most common type of opal you could find. However, Ethiopia has entered the market as another source of opals, including the fire opals. Read More»

Have Gold To Sell? 2 Tips To Sell To Gold Buyers

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If you have gold to sell the best thing to do is to sell it to gold buyers. Before you start selling, however, there are things you need to learn. This way you can get the most money for your gold. To get started, below are two tips on selling your gold so you can get some green in your pocket. Determine What Your Gold is Worth Before you do anything determine how much your gold is worth. Read More»

Are You Ready To Pawn Your Diamond Ring?

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There are certain things that you need to know if you want to pawn a diamond ring. It is important to note that selling your diamond ring can assist you in offsetting your financial constraints since it can fetch you a significant amount of cash. However, the most important thing to do is to understand whether or not you are ready to pawn your diamond ring. If you are ready, the following tips will assist you to get the best value out of your diamond ring. Read More»

Are Black, Brown, Cognac, Champagne, And Chocolate Diamonds Really Diamonds?

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When it comes to a diamond’s color, consumers have long had a strong preference for clear stones – the clearer, the better. Colorless stones are relatively rare, and with diamonds, rarity equals value. However, colored diamonds are not unknown – and some of the fanciest blues, pinks, and yellows are the rarest of the rare. Other colored diamonds are also in vogue, however. Despite the fact that they aren’t nearly as rare, black diamonds, chocolate diamonds, cognac diamonds, and champagne diamonds are also getting a lot of love these days from jewelry buyers. Read More»

Repairs And Antique Jewelry

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Jewelry has played a critical role in helping individuals express their wealth and prestige for centuries. Antique jewelry is highly sought after for not only its beauty, but its historical value as well. Any jewelry pieces that have some age to them may have been subject to repair or will need to be repaired after you have purchased them. Here are three tips that you can use to help ensure the jewelry repair process hasn’t or won’t hurt the overall value of the piece in the future. Read More»